Glabella Lines

Glabella lines are the short vertical lines found between our eyebrows, going up to the center of the forehead for a centimeter or so. Glabella lines are sometimes called 11 lines as they look like parallel lines. Often glabella are the first wrinkles to appear even as early as the mid 20’s. Usually they make us look older and slightly angry.
Initially glabella lines are only apparent when the person frowns. These are called dynamic lines because they are created by the dynamic action of the underlying muscles. When these muscles are well developed they pull the central ends of the eyebrows inwards and a downwards, causing the furrows. Depending on each person’s musculature, their angle and shape can vary. With time the glabella lines gradually become deepened and more permanent so that there is always a static element present. Glabella lines are particularly deep looking because the skin in the glabella zone is thick.
The two main treatment of glabella lines are botox injection and dermal fillers. If the glabella lines are particularly deep and do not disappear with botulinum injections, they can be filled by a
dermal injection of the below listed dermal fillers: