Chelaskin **Discontinued**

Chelaskin cream has a good track record in the global pharmaceutical market. Arguing its effectiveness is meaningless. All you need is to check out the photos of Chelaskin before and after. There are many photos and reviews on the Internet, which confirm that this cream works.

There is one small nuance, though, worth paying attention to. Chelaskin cream works well for a certain nature of damage. Injections, machine aesthetic treatments, chemical exposure over the skin and surgery are perfect conditions for Lactoferrin activation.

If you plan to use this cream for a bruise on your leg, it is unlikely to provide the desired effect.

Lactoferrin is an acute phase protein of inflammation. It is an active element of the immune response. It is involved in the processes of cellular immunity only when there is a potential threat, such as:

  • bacterial infection
  • severe blood loss

At this point, Lactoferrin triggers all possible biochemical processes, which stop the potential danger to the body.

Bruised leg or arm don’t make part of such signal. Aggressive cosmetic treatments or surgeries are the signals, which stimulate proteins to protect the body.

Therefore, you should understand that Chelaskin cream is not a magic tool. It has a certain spectrum of action and should be used for its intended purpose only.


Chelaskin is a unique cream, which accelerates the restoration of skin tissue after aesthetic treatments. This cream helps to:

  • heal bruises,
  • reduce swelling,
  • smooth out scars,
  • smooth out skin.

Chelaskin cream is used in aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery and for external skin defects (rosacea, rosacea, hyperpigmentation).

Your skin needs time to recover after each cosmetic procedure. After chemical peeling and hyaluronic acid injections, it needs just a few days to heal. However, it may take a couple of weeks to recover after rhinoplasty, mammoplasty or dermabrasion. The main symptoms after all the treatments are bruises, swelling, itching, pain, and rosacea. You can speed up the recovery process using Chelaskin cream.

The action principle of Chelaskin is to remove hemosiderin from the body. It is a substance, involved in the formation of hematomas and bruises. After the cream application, subcutaneous hemorrhages disappear in a matter of hours. At the same time, it doesn’t matter why these appeared, be it after filler injections, or liposuction.

Chelaskin triggers the process of cellular membranes destruction in pathogenic microflora. A pronounced antibacterial effect prevents inflammatory reactions and infection in areas of skin damage.

When the active ingredients of Chelaskin interact with lipids in cell membranes, derma cells are strengthened. This promotes the regeneration of dermal tissue, and scars smooth out.

According to experts, the use of Chelaskin cream reduces the postoperative recovery period twofold. With a high sensitivity of the tissues to the active substances, the recovery is even faster.

Indications for use

In aesthetic medicine, Chelaskin cream is prescribed to reduce such side effects, as:

  • Puffiness
  • Bruises
  • Skin redness and itching

It can be used after any cosmetic procedures, including:

  • surgical body contouring
  • chemical peeling
  • mesotherapy,
  • thread lifting,
  • laser rejuvenation procedures,
  • exposure to radio waves.

In plastic surgery, Chelaskin cream is prescribed for a quick recovery after:

  1. rhinoplasty
  2. liposuction
  3. blepharoplasty,
  4. facelift


  • Eliminates redness and swelling after injection procedures, surgery, and laser therapy.
  • Interferes with formation of bruises and hematomas after aesthetic treatments
  • Provides a rejuvenating effect.
  • Helps hyaluronic acid cells stay longer in the dermis. Increases filler density and extends the result for 1-2 months.
  • Provides a slight anesthetic effect.
  • Soothes the skin and alleviates itching at the injection sites.
  • Has almost no side effects and is allowed for use at any age.

Drug form and composition

  • Chelaskin comes in the form of a cream, in tubes of 30 ml and 50 ml.
  • The main active ingredient in the composition of Chelaskin cream is Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin is a substance found in many body fluids, including saliva, blood, and breast milk. It performs several functions, including:

  • Renewal of tissue cells by activating DNA chains,
  • Removal from the dermis of the deposits of heavy metals, which trigger the skin aging,
  • Provision of an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and enzymatic action,
  • Control of the amount of iron in the cells and transfer of iron to compensate for the deficiency, if necessary.

Drug form and composition

Chelaskin cream is applied in a small amount to the problem area of the skin 2-3 times a day.

  • Squeeze out some cream (about 0.15 ml).
  • Gently rub the cream a thin layer on the skin area, which has undergone cosmetic or surgical treatment.
  • Wait 2-3 minutes until it absorbs completely.

Chelaskin cream is used for 3 to 7 days. Even after a plastic surgery, the use of the cream for more than 1 week is impractical. During this period, all unpleasant symptoms should disappear completely.

Precautionary measures

  • Avoid getting the cream in the eyes, mouth or on mucous membranes.
  • Do not use the cream during pregnancy or lactation. There is no clinical data to confirm 100% safety of Chelaskin for the fetus.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs after the cream application, immediately rinse the skin with running water and consult a doctor.

This drug contains substances, which are 100% biocompatible with the human body. Therefore, the cream has a minimum number of contraindications.

Chelaskin Side effects

Chelaskin cream is non-toxic and does not cause side effects. An allergic reaction can only begin with the individual intolerance to the cream ingredients.


If your doctor or aesthetic practitioner advised you to use the cream for a quick recovery after the treatment, you can buy Chelaskin in our online store.Of course, you can go to the nearest pharmacy and buy Chelaskin there. But the price of a 50 ml tube of the cream will be at least 2 times higher than we can offer.

Our shop specializes in the sale of professional aesthetic products. We have established direct cooperation with manufacturers, so we supply products at the lowest prices. You can buy a package of Chelaskin cream 50 ml on our website for only $ 60. In urban pharmacies, this cream costs at least $ 90 per 50 ml pack + tax.

Chelaskin cream is sold only in large pharmacy chains. This is not the most popular product, and the demand for it does not cover the offer. Why waste time looking for this cream in all pharmacies of the city, when you can order Chelaskin online and enjoy a fast delivery.

You can place an order for delivery of cheap Chelaskin online at any time of the day. We accept credit cards and Bitcoin. If you are preparing for an aesthetic or surgical procedure, you can buy the product beforehand. In just a few days, you will have your parcel in your hands. You can start applying the cream on the very first day after the treatment, and speed up the restoration of skin tissue.

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